Saturday, June 30, 2007

Day 1: And so it Begins....

A light, easy day: The group meets for the first time (officially), assembling in the hotel lobby, at noon, for lunch at the Jackpot Club at the Landmark Hotel, located... across the circular drive in front of our hotel; a 20 second jog in the rain.

Afternoon was downtime and we next gathered for dinner at an anonymous restaurant at the Beijing YongAn Hotel. This was far enough away from the Sheraton that we had to be bused: A right out of the hotel, then the first left, the first left after that and then the next first left then the first right. Which put us on a road adjacent to the back, as it were, of the Sheraton, a couple of hundred yards from it. On the other hand, it was raining and there are a number of little kids....

Quickie reviews:

Jackpot: Eh, and our table had, well, unacceptable service.

Chez Anonymous at the YongAn: good, except for the interruption of a call from our alarm company to tell us that the burglar alarm at the house had been tripped.... (A story for another day, maybe....)


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