Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4 July

Much too much heat and boredom and beggars at Tiannemen Square, a climb on some balony or something at Mo's tomb, a quick run through the Forbidden City. (Another criticism: the tour is very superficial, like we buzz through the grounds of the Summer Palace but go into none.)

Shayna cracked under the sun and heat so we bagged the afternoon activities, lunch somewhere and a rickshaw ride, and returned to the room to recover.

In the evening was a banquet at a hotel, putatively in honor of the group but, because of overlong naps, bagged that as well. One the tweens said it included like an hour-long speech. How much it could be in our honor when we guests of honor are tired and fried and smelly and dirty without a freshening break eludes me....

And the angina (and agita!) with the extra day of hotel stay, with much sturm und drang and stress got resolved... but not at all easily....

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