Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11 July

First stop: Pearl (TV) Tower - another hazy day. On the other hand, while working on the 10 July post, we found a couple of sites, some with great photos of the city so that mitigates things a little. From, there we went to the adjacent Shanghai history museum. Interesting history, with a gap from the 1930s to date, just an allusion to Shanghai being exploited, as it were, for the past one hundred years; connect the dots yourself....

Next stop, lunch in the "old city". Or old city turned into shops, many of the rip-off tourist shops but with some legitimate stores as well as name brands -- make that global brands: Esprit, McDonald's, Starbucks. (A few photos are here.) Shayna and I shopped a little: she bought a "chop" with her name on it, I bought a T with the characters for "felicity" on it; bought the T partly because I wanted some black to wear, mostly to have something clean and dry to wear for the rest of the day. We hondled but undoubtedly could have done better....

However, mostly, Shayna and I hung in one of the Starbucks while Donna shopped for the orphanage and to get gifts for people. The child passed out -- baked by the heat again -- while I dozed for a couple of minutes -- no more, I swear -- but so deep that when Donna came in and grabbed the camera, it didn't wake me. The World's Funniest Tween

thought it all funny....

Next was a tour of a gorgeous adjacent garden, the Yu Yuan garden: unbelivably beautiful.
From there, we went to dinner at a very nice hotel; food so-so, space a little luxe. A/c , water and a little food got the child back to normal.

From there, we went to a nighttime cruise on the Huangpu River. (A couple of photos, better than mine, are here.) It's true; both sides of the river, even north of the office buildings, are amazing. One could spend weeks walking Shanghai firing off awesome shots... of course, I like the discrepancy or contrast shots best, the today and yesterday shots....

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