Tuesday, July 10, 2007

9 July

A four hour cruise on the Li River, between the high hils of the region. A joy for the adults while the kids mostly stayed down elow and inside, reading, playing cards, Nintendo, whatever.

Had, missed chance to taste 80-proof snake wine; did see and photographed the seller though.

Disembarked and ran the gauntlet to the bus, as it were, through sellers and beggars.

Photos (including the mysterious woman in the black dress waiting above the river) are here.

After that, a walk through the overlit Qixingdong Seven Star Cave. So much embellishment, as it were, the authenticity was almost lost. And they were the hottest 64 degrees of my life....

Next was a banquest dinner, more precisiely, dinner in a small banquet room at another hotel.

Meanwhle, Shayna was once again fried from heat and maybe tired as well from a fairly relentless tour. She and Donna bagged the "banquet" and dined at KFC. Or tried to; the popcorn chicken was apparently not the Colonel's recipe but rather a Sichuan one: too for Shayna who apparently required a number of ice creams to get rid of the burning sensation.

Guilin photos can be seen here and even more and better ones here.

Next: On to Shanghai, and back to the real world!

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